What is a Mommy Misfit?

Long story short, a Mommy Misfit is just a misfit that reproduced.

Soo...what exactly is a misfit?
Oh, I'm so glad you asked


So, I'm talking about the moms that take the cloth diaper, breastfeed in public, and use essential oils like they are going out of style.
I'm talking about the moms who let their kids run ahead, who send them outside unsupervised, and -gasp- even leave them home alone.
This is for you minimalist moms, crunchy moms, free range moms, and Christian moms.
For moms that are tattooed, pierced, or dyed.
For moms who take selfies, work an MLM, or homeschool.

Basically, Mommy Misfit is a mom who does her very best and just doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks about it.

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